Friday, December 17, 2010

Hazrat Ali RA Lion of Allah , Sher-e-Khuda

The fort of Khyber was a strong fort built of stone with an iron gate. It was the strong hold of the jews who invaded muslim lands and villages around the area. They killed muslims and looted their property. Warnings were given to the Jews of Khyber to stop their mischievous deeds but they did not bother even to acknowledge their misdeeds. The Holy Prophet proceeded to stop this problem for the muslims. Muslim forces encamped outside this fort. It was in the month of Muharram in the 7th year of Hijra. 

The Holy Prophet sent a force under the command of Abu Bakr [ra] to overpower the Jews, but the mission did not succeed. The Holy Prophet changed the Commander every day, but the fort proved to be a hard nut to crack. With the failure of successive missions, that night the Prophet [pbuh] announced,” Tomorrow I will give the flag of Islam to a man who loves Allah and the Prophet of Allah and Allah and His Prophet love him.” The Next day, after morning prayers the Prophet called for Ali (AS) and gave the Flag in his hands. 
As the Muslim forces came close to the fort, the Jew warrior Marhab emerged out of the fort, and challenged Ali to a duel. Marhab also known as Abu Ablit and Antar enjoyed reputation as a great warrior equivalent to a thousand men. 
 Marhab sang the battle song: "I am Abu Ablit; My name is Antar. I am armed to the teeth. My home is Khyber. I am a lion whom none can face. "
Ali accepted the challenge with the battle song: "I am Ali, the lion of God. I fight in the name of God. Be prepared for your doom. He awaits you."

The day, Ali appeared to be endowed with unusual extraordinary power. He [a] killed Marhab in no time. Imam Ali [a] exhibited supernatural strength that day and was most ferocious than the fiercest of lions. Verily, he was the "Lion of Allah". The Battle of Khyber was another turning point in the annals of Islam. It had far reaching consequences.

  1. Reference  posted by Zarb-e-Ali

1 comment:

  1. That's nice
    I am having a doubt about the phrase "Sher-e-Khuda"
    I have gone thru all names of Allah (99) there is no name "Khuda", then how Prophet (PBUH) could have given this title? pls chk
